Powered Roller Conveyors

The most common (and cost effective) powered roller conveyor is “lineshaft” conveyor. Rollers are driven by bands, which locate in the groove in the roller, and are connected to a “line” or drive shaft. This powers the rollers and allows for some accumulation – but if constant accumulation is required – it is not the correct solution.
They are suitable for conveying product which has a smooth or flat bottom.
Available in straight sections and curved sections.

Sprocket driven roller conveyor: Sprocket driven roller conveyor is generally tangential or twin sprocket drive. This results in direct drive on each roller – ideal for heavy loads. Control can be fitted with frequency inverter to control speed.

Poly V driven rollers: Poly V driven rollersare generally used with a 24V, DC roller (50mm diameter), which drives a section of rollers; off each DC drive roller (normally each powered section is 1200mm in length, maximum). 24V DC rollers are connected to cards and power supplies, offering a wide range of speed variation.

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